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The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly March 2017

The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly March 2017

| February 24, 2017

The Asian EFL Journal is published monthly and presents information, theories, research, methods and materials related to language acquisition and language learning.

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Philippine ESL Journal Volume 18 February 2017

Philippine ESL Journal Volume 18 February 2017

| February 22, 2017

Implicating and Enriching a Discourse: An Analysis of ‘what is said’
Ana Cristina Gatchalian Fortes

The Deictic Demonstratives of Ayta Magbukun
Monica R. Cabanding

Ah as a Polyfunctional Discourse Marker in Filipino Language
Jennifier T. Diamante

Political Implicatures in a Locally Practiced Discourse: An Analysis of a Philippine President’s State of the Nation Address
By Carlo Joseph M. Juanzo

The Universality of Neo-Gricean anaphoric Repairs as Evident in Filipino-Teacher and Korean-Student Talk
Selwyn A. Cruz
Jose Cristina M. Pariña

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IJLLD Volume 6.2 2016

IJLLD Volume 6.2 2016

| January 17, 2017

The International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse (IJLLD)is an affiliated journal of Multicultural Association of Law and Language.

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EILJ Volume 11 Issue 2 December 2016

| December 25, 2016

The spectrum of issues, insights and research agendas featured in this issue resonates with EILJ’s resolve and remit to foster a plurality of focus and conceptualizations in EIL.

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The Iranian EFL Journal Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2016

The Iranian EFL Journal Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2016

| December 19, 2016

The Iranian EFL Journal is a unique and major forum devoted to discussions on English as an International Language, literature and translation studies. The journal also welcomes researches related to these areas in Iran and The Middle East.

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TESOL International Journal Volume 11 Issue 2 2016

TESOL International Journal Volume 11 Issue 2 2016

| December 8, 2016

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The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly December 2016

The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly December 2016

| December 1, 2016

The Asian EFL Journal is published monthly and presents information, theories, research, methods and materials related to language acquisition and language learning.

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Asian ESP Journal Volume 12 Issue 3 December 2016

| November 1, 2016

The Journal studies the structure and development of English across the globe, and in particular, its relationship to the special and specific purposes of English. The Asian ESP Journal is peer reviewed with multiple layers of editorial reviews. The Asian ESP Journal is the leading ESP journal across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

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Linguistics Journal Volume 10 Issue 1 2016

Linguistics Journal Volume 10 Issue 1 2016

| October 5, 2016

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The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly September 2016

The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly September 2016

| October 1, 2016

The Asian EFL Journal is published monthly and presents information, theories, research, methods and materials related to language acquisition and language learning.

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